List of Famous people named Kodi

Similar names: Kodai. Here are some famous Kodis:

Kodi Smit-McPhee

First Name Kodi
Born on June 13, 1996 (age 28)

Kodi Smit-McPhee is an Australian actor. He is known for his roles as The Boy in The Road, Owen in Let Me In, Norman Babcock in ParaNorman, Alexander in Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, Nightcrawler in X-Men: Apocalypse, and Dark Phoenix, and the lead role in the prehistoric film Alpha.

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Kodi Lee

First Name Kodi
Born on July 7, 1996 (age 28)

Kodi Taehyun Lee is a Korean-American singer-songwriter and pianist. He rose to fame after participating in and winning the 14th season of the reality competition show America's Got Talent.

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Kodi Ramakrishna

First Name Kodi
Born on July 23, 1949
Died on February 22, 2019 (aged 69)
Born in India

Kodi Ramakrishna was an Indian film director and writer known for his works predominantly in Telugu cinema, and a few Tamil, Malayalam and Hindi films. One of the prolific film director in Telugu, Kodi Ramakrishna has directed a wide range of films, in a variety of genres such as drama films; Intlo Ramayya Veedilo Krishnayya (1982), Mangamma Gari Manavadu (1984), Thalambralu (1986), Aahuthi (1987), Bharatamlo Bala Chandrudu (1988), Station Master (1988), Muddula Mavayya (1989), Maa Aavida Collector (1996), Pelli (1997), and Dongaata (1997).

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