List of Famous people named Kaarlo

Similar names: Karl, Karla, Karlie, Karle, Karly, Kaarle. Here are some famous Kaarlos:

Kaarlo Juho Ståhlberg

Carl Johan Ståhlberg
First Name Kaarlo
Born on January 28, 1865
Died on September 22, 1952 (aged 87)
Born in Finland, Kainuu

Kaarlo Juho Ståhlberg was a Finnish jurist and academic, which was one of the most important pioneers of republicanism in the country. He was the first President of Finland (1919–1925) and a liberal nationalist.

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Kaarlo Castrén

First Name Kaarlo
Born on February 28, 1860
Died on November 19, 1938 (aged 78)
Born in Finland, Lapland

Kaarlo Castrén was a Finnish politician and Prime Minister of Finland. He represented the National Progressive Party.

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Kaarlo Koskelo

First Name Kaarlo
Born on April 12, 1888
Died on December 21, 1953 (aged 65)
Born in Finland, Kymenlaakso

Kaarlo Anton "Kalle" Koskelo was a Greco-Roman wrestler from Finland who won the featherweight event at the 1912 Olympics. He then fought in World War I and Finnish Civil War, and in 1919 immigrated to the United States. He settled in Astoria, Oregon, where he became a prominent local businessman.

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