List of Famous people named Kaarle

Similar names: Karl, Karla, Karlie, Kaarlo, Karle, Karly. Here are some famous Kaarles:

Kaarle McCulloch

First Name Kaarle
Born on January 20, 1988 (age 37)
Height 168 cm | 5'6

Kaarle McCulloch is an Australian professional track cyclist and four time World Champion in the team sprint. She was part of the Australian sprint team that won bronze at the 2012 Summer Olympics. At the 2010 Commonwealth Games she won a gold medal in the Team sprint and a silver medal in the 500m Time Trial. Kaarle took a break from cycling following the London Olympics due a knee injury, missing the 2014 Commonwealth Games. In 2016 she missed selection for the Rio Olympics due to a contentious decision to send former teammate Anna Meares. Kaarle returned for the 2018 Commonwealth Games winning Gold in the 500m Time Trial and Team Sprint and Silver in the Keiran and Bronze in the Sprint. Kaarle is renowned for being an exceptionally kind-hearted athlete mentoring many junior cyclists.

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