List of Famous people named Jeremie

Similar names: Jeremy, Jeremiah, Jeremi. Here are some famous Jeremies:

Jérémie Aliadière

First Name Jérémie
Born on March 30, 1983 (age 41)
Height 183 cm | 6'0

Jérémie Aliadière is a French former professional footballer who played as a striker.

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Jérémie Renier

Jérémie Renier is a Belgian actor. His film debut was in the critically praised La Promesse (1996), directed by Luc and Jean-Pierre Dardenne. He became better known to worldwide audiences in Brotherhood of the Wolf (2001) and L'Enfant (2005). The latter was also directed by the Dardenne brothers. He portrayed singer Claude François in the 2012 film My Way.

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Jérémie Elkaïm

First Name Jérémie
Born on August 29, 1978 (age 45)

Jérémie Elkaïm is a French actor, screenwriter and film director best known for his role in Presque rien. In the film, he plays Mathieu, a troubled, emotionally fragile teen who finds himself in a whirlwind romance with Cédric. His performance in the film garnered him much critical acclaim.

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Jeremie Lynch

First Name Jeremie
Born on March 24, 1991 (age 33)
Height 182 cm | 6'0

Jermie Dwayne Lynch is a Jamaican professional footballer who plays as a striker for the V.League 1 club Topenland Bình Định. In 2012 he made his only appearance for the Jamaica national team.

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Jérémie Boga

Jérémie Boga is a professional footballer who plays as a midfielder for Serie A club Sassuolo and the Ivory Coast national team.

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Jeremie Frimpong

Jeremie Agyekum Frimpong is a Dutch professional footballer who plays as a right-back for Bundesliga club Bayer Leverkusen.

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Jérémie Laheurte

First Name Jérémie
Born on September 7, 1990 (age 33)

Jérémie Laheurte is a French actor and former model. An acting role in the 2013 classic The Life of Adele in which he played the male love interest for the film's female star Adèle Exarchopoulos, the supporting role saw his film career escalate and he also went on to become Adèle's boyfriend in real life.

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Jérémie Janot

Jérémie Janot is a French former professional footballer who played as a goalkeeper. He played for Saint-Étienne for 16 years of his career, and last played for Le Mans.

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Jérémie Beyou

First Name Jérémie
Born on June 26, 1976 (age 48)
Born in France, Brittany

Jérémie Beyou is a French professional Offshore sailor born on 27th June 1976 in Landivisiau (Finistère). He is a member of C N Lorient Sailing Club.

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Jérémie Bélingard

First Name Jérémie
Born on August 1, 1975 (age 48)

Jérémie Bélingard is a French ballet dancer who performed with the Paris Opera Ballet as an Étoile. He joined the company at age eighteen in 1991, and became an étoile in March 2007.

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