List of Famous people named Jenia

Similar names: Jean, Jenny, Jeanne, Jenna, Jennie, Jin, Jeannie, Jeno, Jen, Jenni, Jenn, Jeanie, Jena, Jeane, Jhene, Jeanna, Jeana, Jenya, Jeany, Jenno, Jeanny, Jenne, Jina. Here are some famous Jenias:

Jenia Grebennikov

First Name Jenia
Born on August 13, 1990 (age 34)
Born in France, Brittany
Height 188 cm | 6'2

Jenia Grebennikov is a French volleyball player of Russian descent, member of the France men's national volleyball team and Italian club Leo Shoes Modena, 2015 European Champion, gold medallist of the World League.

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Jenia Lubich

Евгения Дмитриевна Любич
First Name Jenia
Born on March 20, 1984 (age 40)
Born in Russia

Jenia Lubich in Leningrad, USSR, now Saint Petersburg, Russia, is a singer-songwriter who performs and writes in English, Russian, French and Spanish. Her work encompasses recording, song-writing, session performance, live performance, and TV performance.

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