List of Famous people named Janelle

Similar names: Janel. Here are some famous Janelles:

Janelle Monáe

Janelle Monáe Robinson
First Name Janelle
Born on December 1, 1985 (age 38)

Janelle Monáe Robinson is an American singer-songwriter, rapper, actress, and record producer. Monáe is signed to Atlantic Records, as well as to her own imprint, the Wondaland Arts Society. Monáe has received eight Grammy Award nominations. Monáe won an MTV Video Music Award and the ASCAP Vanguard Award in 2010. Monáe was also honored with the Billboard Women in Music Rising Star Award in 2015 and the Trailblazer of the Year Award in 2018. In 2012, Monáe became a CoverGirl spokesperson. Boston City Council named October 16, 2013 "Janelle Monáe Day" in the city of Boston, Massachusetts, in recognition of her artistry and social leadership.

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Janelle Pierzina

First Name Janelle
Born on January 10, 1980 (age 44)

Janelle Marie Pierzina is an American reality show personality known for her appearances on the sixth, seventh, fourteenth, and twenty-second seasons of the reality show Big Brother and the thirty-first season of The Amazing Race.

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Janelle Commissiong

First Name Janelle
Born on June 15, 1953 (age 71)

Janelle 'Penny' Commissiong is a Trinidadian politician, model and beauty queen.

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Janelle May Irby

First Name Janelle
Born on January 1, 1957 (age 67)
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Janelle Kidman

Janelle Ann Glenny
First Name Janelle
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