List of Famous people named Jabari

Similar names: Jabbar. Here are some famous Jabaris:

Jabari Parker

First Name Jabari
Last Name Parker
Born on March 15, 1995 (age 29)
Height 203 cm | 6'8

Jabari Ali Parker is an American professional basketball player for the Sacramento Kings of the National Basketball Association (NBA). He was selected by the Milwaukee Bucks with the second overall pick in the 2014 NBA draft. He ended his college career after one season of playing for Duke University. Parker was a standout high school athlete, helping his team win four straight state championships for Simeon Career Academy, and was named the National High School Player of the Year by Gatorade and McDonald's. In his freshman year for the 2013–14 Duke Blue Devils, he was named a consensus first-team All-American, the USBWA National Freshman of the Year, and the runner-up for the John R. Wooden Award. Parker is the son of former NBA player Sonny Parker.

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Jabari Bird

First Name Jabari
Last Name Bird
Born on July 3, 1994 (age 30)
Height 198 cm | 6'6

Jabari Carl Bird is an American professional basketball player who last played for the Boston Celtics of the National Basketball Association (NBA). He played college basketball for the California Golden Bears. He was selected in the second round of the 2017 NBA draft by the Boston Celtics.

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Jabari Blash

First Name Jabari
Last Name Blash
Born on July 4, 1989 (age 35)

Jabari Jerell Blash is a former American professional baseball outfielder. He made his Major League Baseball (MLB) debut in 2016 with the San Diego Padres. He also played in MLB for the Los Angeles Angels and for the Tohoku Rakuten Golden Eagles of Nippon Professional Baseball (NPB).

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