List of Famous people named Ili

Similar names: Ella, Eli, Ilya, Elie, Ellie, Elio, El, Elia, Elli, Elle, Yael, Ilia, Ilie, Eloi, Ela, Elly, Aelia, Ely, Eloy, Illya, Eille, Eily, Ilo, Elya, Iela, Iliya, Eliah, Ila, Ylli, Ele, Yaelle, Ille, Ilay, Il, Yella, Elo, Yeily, Eila, Iella. Here are some famous Ilis:

Ili Cheng

First Name Ili
Born on August 31, 1993 (age 31)

Ili Cheng, nicknamed Jipai Mei, is a Taiwanese internet celebrity and model, who has appeared in television programmes, feature films, videos and a music EP. She came to fame in January 2012 when her promotional video for a fried chicken cutlet restaurant went viral. Thereafter she became an internet celebrity.

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