List of Famous people named Heath

Similar names: Hetty, Hettie, Heita. Here are some famous Heaths:

Heath Ledger

Heathcliff Andrew Ledger
First Name Heath
Last Name Ledger
Born on April 4, 1979
Died on January 22, 2008 (aged 28)
Height 184 cm | 6'0

Heath Andrew Ledger was an Australian actor, photographer, and music video director. After playing roles in several Australian television and film productions during the 1990s, Ledger moved to the United States in 1998 to further develop his film career. His work consisted of twenty films, including 10 Things I Hate About You (1999), The Patriot (2000), A Knight's Tale (2001), Monster's Ball (2001), Lords of Dogtown (2005), Brokeback Mountain (2005), Candy (2006), The Dark Knight (2008), and The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus (2009), the latter two being posthumous releases. He also produced and directed music videos and aspired to be a film director.

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Heath Freeman

First Name Heath
Last Name Freeman
Born on June 23, 1980
Died on November 14, 2021 (aged 41)

Heath Freeman was an American film and television actor. He was known for playing the role of Gavin Dillon in the American legal drama television series Raising the Bar, as well as roles on Bones, NCIS, and Skateland. Freeman died of combined drug intoxication in November 2021, at the age of 41.

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Heath Freeman

First Name Heath
Last Name Freeman

Heath Freeman is the managing director of Alden Global Capital, the owner of Digital First Media, and runs its daily operations. Freeman is said to be publicity-shy but has attracted national interest because of his role at Alden which as of May 2021 owns the second-largest portfolio of American newspapers, second only to Gannett. He is said to be "aggressive and highly intelligent". He has also been described as “flinty-eyed and focused".

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Heath Slater

First Name Heath
Last Name Slater
Born on July 15, 1983 (age 41)
Height 188 cm | 6'2

Heath Wallace Miller is an American professional wrestler currently signed to Impact Wrestling under the ring name Heath. He is best known for his time in WWE, where he performed under the ring name Heath Slater.

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Heath Miller

First Name Heath
Last Name Miller
Born on October 22, 1982 (age 41)
Height 196 cm | 6'5

Earl Heath Miller Jr. is a former American football tight end who played professionally for the Pittsburgh Steelers of the National Football League (NFL) for 11 seasons from 2005 to 2015. Miller played college football for the University of Virginia, where he earned All-American honors and won the John Mackey Award. The Steelers selected him in the first round with the 30th overall pick of the 2005 NFL Draft.

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Heath Herring

First Name Heath
Last Name Herring
Height 193 cm | 6'4

Heath Herring is an American professional mixed martial artist currently competing in the Heavyweight division of Rizin. While perhaps best known for competing in PRIDE, he has also formerly competed for the UFC and K-1.

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Heath Evans

Bryan Heath Evans

Bryan Heath Evans is a former American football Running back and former analyst on NFL Network. After playing college football at Auburn he was drafted by the Seattle Seahawks in the third round of the 2001 NFL Draft. He also played for the Miami Dolphins, New England Patriots, and New Orleans Saints, the last of which he won a Super Bowl with while on injured reserve. Evans retired after the 2010 season and was formerly an analyst with NFL Network.

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Heath Davidson

First Name Heath
Last Name Davidson
Born on May 9, 1987 (age 37)

Heath Arthur Davidson, is an Australian quad wheelchair tennis player. He represented Australia in at the 2016 Rio Paralympics, where he teamed up with Dylan Alcott to win the Men's Quad Doubles gold medal.

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Heath Hyche

First Name Heath
Last Name Hyche
Born on November 30, 1970 (age 53)
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Heath Isobel Amee de Burgh

First Name Heath
Last Name Burgh
Born on January 30, 1942 (age 82)
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