List of Famous people named Grethe

Similar names: Grete, Greta, Grit, Gret, Gretta, Gretha, Grieta. Here are some famous Grethes:

Grethe Weiser

Mathilde Ella Dorothea Margarethe Nowka
First Name Grethe
Born on February 27, 1903
Died on October 2, 1970 (aged 67)

Grethe Weiser was a German actress.

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Grethe Kausland

First Name Grethe
Born on July 3, 1947
Died on November 16, 2007 (aged 60)

Grethe Kausland was a Norwegian singer, performer and actress. As a child star she was one of Norway's most popular singers, and she participated in several films as a child. She represented Norway in the European Song Contest 1972 singing Småting with Benny Borg. From 1973 she performed regularly with the entertaining group Dizzie Tunes. Awarded "Spellemannprisen" 1978 for the album A Taste of Grethe Kausland, and "Leonardstatuetten" 1991 for her achievements on the revue scene.

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Grethe Barrett Holby

First Name Grethe
Born on April 26, 1948 (age 76)

Grethe Barrett Holby is an American theatre producer, stage director, choreographer, and dramaturge best known for her work in opera. Holby is noted as the founder of American Opera Projects, where she served as Artistic Director from 1988 until 2001. She currently serves as Executive Artistic Director of Family Opera Initiative which she founded in 1995, and Ardea Arts, Inc., which she founded in 2006. The Rockefeller Foundation awarded Holby a 2006 Creative Arts Residency The Bellagio Center.

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Grethe Ingmann

First Name Grethe
Born on June 17, 1938
Died on August 18, 1990 (aged 52)

Grethe Ingmann was a Danish singer.

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Grethe Mobeck

First Name Grethe
Born on November 30, 1933 (age 91)
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