List of Famous people named Erard

Here are some famous Erards:

Erard of Brienne-Ramerupt

First Name Erard
Born on November 30, 1169
Died on January 1, 1246 (aged 76)

Érard de Brienne was a French nobleman. He was lord of Ramerupt and of Venizy, and also a pretender to the county of Champagne as an instigator of the Champagne War of Succession. He was a son of André of Brienne and of Alix of Vénizy.

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Erard II, Count of Brienne

First Name Erard
Born on January 1, 1200
Died on February 8, 1190

Erard II of Brienne was count of Brienne from 1161 to 1191, and a French general during the Third Crusade, most notably at the Siege of Acre. He was the son of Gautier II, count of Brienne, and Adèle of Baudemont, daughter of Andrew, lord of Baudemont and Agnes of Braine. His paternal grandparents were Erard I, Count of Brienne and Alix de Roucy. During this siege he saw his brother André of Brienne die on 4 October 1189, before being killed himself on 8 February 1191. Erard II's nephew was Erard of Brienne-Ramerupt.

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Erard I, Count of Brienne

First Name Erard
Died on January 1, 1200

Erard I, Count of Brienne (1060–1114) was Count of Brienne at the end of the 11th century. He was the son of Gautier I of Brienne, count of Brienne, and his wife Eustachie of Tonnerre.

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Érard de La Marck

First Name Érard
Born on May 31, 1472
Died on February 27, 1538 (aged 65)
Born in France, Grand Est

Érard de la Marck was prince-bishop of Liège from 1506 till 1538. He was born in Sedan, Ardennes, the third son of Robert I de la Marck, lord of Sedan and Bouillon.

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Érard II of Brienne-Ramerupt

First Name Érard
Born on January 1, 1300
Died on February 8, 1250
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