List of Famous people named Eleazer

Similar names: Eliezer. Here are some famous Eleazers:

Eleazer Wheelock Ripley

First Name Eleazer
Born on April 15, 1782
Died on March 2, 1839 (aged 56)

Eleazer Wheelock Ripley was an American soldier and politician. He fought in the War of 1812, eventually rising to the rank of brigadier general, and later served as a U.S. Representative from Louisiana, from 1835 until 1839.

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Eleazer McComb

First Name Eleazer
Born on August 11, 1740
Died on December 1, 1798 (aged 58)

Eleazer McComb was an American merchant from Dover, Delaware. He was a delegate from Delaware to the Continental Congress from March 1783 until January 1784. He moved to Wilmington, Delaware in 1792 and died there in December 1798.

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Eleazer Le Marchant

First Name Eleazer
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Eleazer Mather

First Name Eleazer
Born on November 30, 1636
Died on November 30, 1668 (aged 32)
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Don't know him/her
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