List of Famous people named Dominika

Similar names: Dominique, Dominik, Dominick, Domenick. Here are some famous Dominikas:

Dominika Cibulková

Dominika Cibulková is a Slovak former professional tennis player. Known for her quick and aggressive style of play, she won eight WTA Tour singles titles and two on the ITF Circuit.

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Dominika Paleta

Dominika Paleta Paciorek de Ibarra
First Name Dominika
Born on October 23, 1972 (age 52)

Dominika Paleta is a Polish-Mexican actress.

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Dominika Kulczyk

First Name Dominika
Born on July 30, 1977 (age 47)
Net Worth $2.1B

Dominika Kulczyk is a Polish billionaire businesswoman, and the daughter of Jan Kulczyk, who was Poland's richest man. She is the co-founder and president of the Kulczyk Foundation, chair of a supervisory board of Kulczyk Holding, chair of a supervisory board of Polenergia SA, and co-founder of the Values Consulting Group. She is the author of a TV series, the Domino Effect.

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Dominika Ostałowska

First Name Dominika
Born on February 18, 1971 (age 54)

Dominika Ostałowska is a Polish film, television and theatre actress. She is a two-time winner of Polish Film Awards for Best Actress for her performance in a 2000 film Keep Away from the Window and for Best Supporting Actress for her role in a 2003 film Warsaw.

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Dominika Budzelová

First Name Dominika
Born on April 3, 1998 (age 26)
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Dominika Koukalová

First Name Dominika
Born on August 28, 1988 (age 36)
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