List of Famous people named Colt

Here are some famous Colts:

Colt McCoy

Daniel "Colt" McCoy is an American football quarterback for the New York Giants of the National Football League (NFL). He was drafted by the Cleveland Browns in the third round of the 2010 NFL Draft, after playing college football for the University of Texas. He has also been a member of the San Francisco 49ers and the Washington Redskins. Although he did not find success as a starter in the NFL, he has served as an adequate backup for many years.

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Colt Brennan

Colton James Brennan
First Name Colt
Last Name Brennan
Born on August 16, 1983
Died on May 11, 2021 (aged 37)
Height 191 cm | 6'3

Colton James "Colt" Brennan is a former American professional football quarterback. He was drafted by the Washington Redskins in the sixth round of the 2008 NFL Draft, but was released two years later. He played college football for the University of Hawaii Warriors.

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Colt Lyerla

Colt Keliikoa Lyerla is a former American arena football wide receiver and convicted felon. He played tight end at the University of Oregon for the Ducks but left in October 2013 due to personal reasons. He signed with the Green Bay Packers after going undrafted during the 2014 NFL Draft. He was a member of the Arizona Rattlers and Portland Steel of the Arena Football League. He also played for AS Carcassonne in the Elite One Championship rugby league.

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Colt Ford

Jason Farris Brown
First Name Colt
Last Name Ford
Born on August 27, 1970 (age 53)

Jason Farris Brown known professionally as Colt Ford, is an American country singer, singer, songwriter, entrepreneur, and former professional golfer best known for his music fusing country singer He has released seven albums via Average Joes Entertainment, which he co-founded. Ford has charted six times on the Hot Country Songs charts and co-wrote "Dirt Road Anthem", a song on his 2008 album Ride Through the Country, which Jason Aldean later covered on his My Kinda Party album.

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