List of Famous people named Christen

Christen Press

First Name Christen
Last Name Press
Born on December 29, 1988 (age 36)
Height 168 cm | 5'6

Christen Annemarie Press is an American soccer player for Manchester United of the English FA Women's Super League, and the United States national team. She first appeared for the United States national team during an international friendly against Scotland on February 9, 2013. She has since made 139 appearances for her country and is currently 10th all-time with 58 goals scored.

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Christen Christensen

First Name Christen
Last Name Christensen
Born on September 17, 1904
Died on June 2, 1969 (aged 64)
Born in Norway

Christen Christensen was a Norwegian pair skater. He represented Oslo Skøiteklub.

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