List of Famous people named Bing

Here are some famous Bings:

Bing Crosby

Harry Lillis Crosby
First Name Bing
Last Name Crosby
Died on October 14, 1977 (aged 7)
Height 171 cm | 5'7

Harry Lillis "Bing" Crosby Jr. was an American singer, comedian and actor. The first multimedia star, Crosby was one of the most popular and influential musical artists of the 20th century. He was a leader in record sales, radio ratings, and motion picture grosses from 1930 to 1954. He made over seventy feature films and recorded more than 1,600 different songs.

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Bing Slamet

First Name Bing
Last Name Slamet
Born on September 27, 1927
Died on December 17, 1974 (aged 47)
Born in Indonesia, Banten

Ahmad Syech Albar, better known by his stage name Bing Slamet, was an Indonesian singer, songwriter, comedian, and actor. During his career, he acted in 17 films and released "dozens" of albums. Shortly before his death, he received a lifetime achievement award from the Governor of Jakarta. Three of his songs were chosen by Rolling Stone Indonesia as some of the best Indonesian songs of all time.

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Bing Russell

First Name Bing
Last Name Russell
Born on May 5, 1926
Died on April 8, 2003 (aged 76)

Neil Oliver "Bing" Russell was an American actor and Class A minor-league baseball club owner. He was the father of Hollywood actor Kurt Russell and grandfather of ex–major league baseball player Matt Franco.

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Bing Xin Xu

First Name Bing
Last Name Xu
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Bing He

First Name Bing
Last Name He
Born on April 26, 1968 (age 56)
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Bing Wang

First Name Bing
Last Name Wang
Born on May 7, 1961 (age 63)
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Bing Cheng-Yu

First Name Bing
Last Name Cheng-Yu
Born on December 9, 1998 (age 26)
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Bing Xin

First Name Bing
Last Name Xin
Born on October 5, 1900
Died on February 28, 1999 (aged 98)

Xie Wanying, better known by her pen name Bing Xin or Xie Bingxin, was one of the most prolific Chinese women writers of the 20th century. Many of her works were written for young readers. She was the chairperson of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles. Her pen name Bing Xin carries the meaning of a morally pure heart, and is taken from a line in a Tang Dynasty poem by Wang Changling.

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