List of Famous people named Barnett

Here are some famous Barnetts:

Barnett Nathan

First Name Barnett
Last Name Nathan
Born on November 30, 1792
Died on December 6, 1856 (aged 64)

Barnett Nathan, known professionally as Baron Nathan, was an English impresario, entertainer, and dancing master. He acted for many years as master of ceremonies and managing director at Rosherville Gardens.

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Barnett Rosenberg

First Name Barnett
Last Name Rosenberg
Born on November 16, 1926
Died on August 8, 2009 (aged 82)

Barnett Rosenberg was an American chemist best known for the discovery of the anti-cancer drug cisplatin.

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Barnett Parker

First Name Barnett
Last Name Parker
Born on September 11, 1886
Died on August 5, 1941 (aged 54)

Barnett Parker was a British actor.

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Barnett Newman

First Name Barnett
Last Name Newman
Born on January 29, 1905
Died on July 4, 1970 (aged 65)

Barnett Newman was an American artist. He is seen as one of the major figures in abstract expressionism and one of the foremost of the color field painters. His paintings are existential in tone and content, explicitly composed with the intention of communicating a sense of locality, presence, and contingency.

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