List of Famous people named Bai

Similar names: Bo, B, Bao, Bae, Bea, Boy, Bahia, Boo, Baya, Bee, Bi, Ba, Bei, Bahaa, Baha, Be. Here are some famous Bais:

Bai Ling

First Name Bai
Last Name Ling
Born on October 10, 1966 (age 57)

Bai Ling is a Chinese-American actress known for her work in films such as The Crow, Red Corner, Crank: High Voltage, Dumplings, Wild Wild West, Anna and the King, and Southland Tales, as well as TV shows including Entourage and Lost. Notably, she won the Best Supporting Actress awards at the 2004 Hong Kong Film Awards and the 2004 Golden Horse Awards in Taiwan for her role in Dumplings.

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Bai Lu

First Name Bai
Last Name Lu
Born on September 23, 1994 (age 29)

Bai Lu is a Chinese actress. She is best known for her role as Zhao Yao in The Legends and Xie Xiang in Arsenal Military Academy.

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Bai Jingting

First Name Bai
Last Name Jingting
Born on October 15, 1993 (age 30)

Bai Jingting is a Chinese actor. He made his acting debut in the web series Back in Time (2014). He has since earned recognition for his roles in the television series The Whirlwind Girl (2015) and Rush to the Dead Summer (2017), and the film Yesterday Once More (2016).

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Bai Fang Li

First Name Bai
Last Name Li
Died on November 30, 2004 (aged 34)

Bai Fangli was a Chinese pedicab driver in Tianjin who donated 350,000 yuan over a span of 18 years to enable more than 300 poor students to continue with their studies.

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Bai Baihe

First Name Bai
Last Name Baihe

Bai Bai He is a Chinese actress. She was among the highest paid film actresses in China. She is best known for her roles in such films as Love is Not Blind, Personal Tailor, Monster Hunt and Go Away Mr. Tumor.

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Bai Qi

First Name Bai
Last Name Qi
Born on November 30, -0251
Died on November 1, -0257

Bai Qi, also known as Gongsun Qi (公孙起), was a military general of the Qin state in the Warring States period of China. Born in Mei, Bai Qi served as the commander of the Qin army for more than 30 years, being responsible for the deaths of over one million, earning him the nickname Ren Tu. According to the Shiji, he seized more than 73 cities from the other six hostile states, and to date no record has been found to show that he suffered a single defeat throughout his military career. He was named by Chinese historians as one of the four greatest generals of the Warring States period, along with Li Mu, Wang Jian, and Lian Po.

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Bai Yang

First Name Bai
Last Name Yang
Born on April 22, 1920
Died on September 18, 1996 (aged 76)

Bai Yang was a Chinese film and drama actress mainly active from the 1930s to the 1950s, during which she was one of the country's most popular movie stars. She was considered the foremost of China's "Four Great Actresses," ahead of Qin Yi, Shu Xiuwen, and Zhang Ruifang. Her most famous films include Crossroads (1937), The Spring River Flows East (1947), Eight Thousand Li of Cloud and Moon (1947), and New Year's Sacrifice (1955).

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Bai Yu

First Name Bai
Last Name Yu
Born on April 8, 1990 (age 34)

Bai Yu is a Chinese actor. He is best known for his roles in the dramas Love O2O (2016), Memory Lost (2016), Suddenly This Summer (2018), Guardian (2018) and Detective L (2019).

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Bai Jing

First Name Bai
Last Name Jing
Died on February 28, 2012 (aged 42)

Bai Jing was a Chinese actress. She was best known for her role in the 2010 film Kung Fu Wing Chun in which she played the Chinese folk heroine Yim Wing-chun.

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Bai Chongxi

First Name Bai
Last Name Chongxi
Died on December 1, 1966

Bai Chongxi was a Chinese general in the National Revolutionary Army of the Republic of China (ROC) and a prominent Chinese Nationalist leader. He was of Hui ethnicity and of the Muslim faith. From the mid-1920s to 1949, Bai and his close ally Li Zongren ruled Guangxi province as regional warlords with their own troops and considerable political autonomy. His relationship with Chiang Kai-shek was at various times antagonistic and cooperative. He and Li Zongren supported the anti-Chiang warlord alliance in the Central Plains War in 1930, then supported Chiang in the Second Sino-Japanese War and the Chinese Civil War. Bai was the first defense minister of the Republic of China from 1946-48. After losing to the Communists in 1949, he fled to Taiwan, where he died in 1966.

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