List of Famous people named Armen

Similar names: Armin, Armine, Armenia, Arminio, Armenio. Here are some famous Armens:

Armen Dzhigarkhanyan

Армен Борисович Джигарханян
First Name Armen
Born on October 3, 1935
Died on November 14, 2020 (aged 85)
Born in Armenia

Armen Borisovich Dzhigarkhanyan was a Soviet, Armenian, and Russian actor.

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Armen Sarkissian

First Name Armen
Born on June 23, 1953 (age 71)
Born in Armenia

Armen Vardani Sargsyan is an Armenian politician, physicist and computer scientist who has served as the President of Armenia since 2018. He served as Prime Minister of Armenia from 4 November 1996 to 20 March 1997 and was the country's (longest-serving) ambassador to the United Kingdom from 1998 to 2018. Sargsyan was elected on 2 March 2018 and assumed the presidency on 9 April 2018.

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Armen Martirosyan

First Name Armen
Born on February 10, 1961 (age 63)
Born in Armenia

Armen Martirosyan held the post of Armenia's Deputy Foreign Minister. He was also a two-term member of the National Assembly of Armenia.

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Armen Medvedev

First Name Armen
Born on May 28, 1938 (age 86)
Born in Russia
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Armen Godel

First Name Armen
Born on January 1, 1941 (age 83)
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Armen Nazaryan

First Name Armen
Born on March 9, 1974 (age 50)
Height 162 cm | 5'4

Armen Nazaryan is an Armenian Greco-Roman wrestler who later represented Bulgaria. Nazaryan is a two-time Olympic Champion, a three-time World Champion, and a six-time European Champion. After Armenia regained independence in 1991, Nazaryan became the first Olympic gold medalist for the country. He was recognized by the FILA as the best wrestler of the year in 1998 and 2003. In 2007, Nazaryan was inducted as a member of the FILA Hall of Fame.

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Armen Darbinyan

First Name Armen
Born on January 23, 1965 (age 59)

Armen Razmiki Darbinyan, served as Prime Minister of Armenia from 1998 to 1999. In 1986, he received an honors degree at the Department of Economy, Moscow State University. In 1989, Darbinyan completed a post-graduate course at Moscow State University. In 1994, he was appointed First Vice-Chairman of the Central Bank of Armenia. In 1997 Darbinyan was appointed Armenian Minister of Finance. On April 10, 1998, he was appointed Armenian Prime Minister until June 11, 1999. Since 2001, Armen Darbinyan has been rector of Russian-Armenian State University.

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Armen Chakmakian

First Name Armen
Born on February 11, 1966 (age 58)

Armen John Chakmakian born in Glendale, California) is an Armenian-American musician, composer, recording artist, and producer. Formerly the keyboardist for the GRAMMY® award-winning band Shadowfax, their 1992 CD, Esperanto was nominated for a Best New Age Album GRAMMY® Award. He has released two solo albums on his label TruArt Records: Ceremonies (1998); Caravans (2004). Two tracks from Ceremonies, "Gypsy Rain" and "Distant Lands", also appear on the famed "Buddha Bar" and "Buddha Bar IV" compilation albums, respectively.

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Armen Weitzman

First Name Armen
Born on December 19, 1983 (age 40)

Armen Weitzman is an American actor and comedian best known for playing Garfield in the Comedy Central series Another Period.

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Armen Minasian

First Name Armen
Born on June 11, 1959 (age 65)
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