List of Famous people named Archie

Here are some famous Archies:

Archie Christie

Archibald Christie
First Name Archie
Born on September 30, 1889
Died on December 20, 1962 (aged 73)

Colonel Archibald Christie was a British businessman and military officer. He was the first husband of mystery writer Dame Agatha Christie. They wed in 1914 and divorced in 1928. During that period Agatha wrote some of her most renowned detective novels. They separated in 1927 after a major rift due to his infidelity and obtained a divorce the following year. Shortly after this Christie married Nancy Neele, and the couple lived quietly for the rest of their lives. Christie became a successful businessman and was invited to be on the boards of several major companies.

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Archie MacDonald

First Name Archie
Born on February 23, 1895
Died on January 1, 1965 (aged 69)

Donald Archibald "Archie" MacDonald was a British wrestler who competed in the 1920 Summer Olympics and the 1924 Summer Olympics. In 1924, at the 1924 Summer Olympics, he won the bronze medal in the freestyle wrestling heavyweight class.

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Archie Phinney

First Name Archie
Born on September 4, 1904
Died on October 29, 1949 (aged 45)

Archie Phinney was a Nez Perce Indian and an anthropologist.

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Archie Hamilton, Baron Hamilton of Epsom

First Name Archie
Born on December 30, 1941 (age 82)

Archibald Gavin Hamilton, Baron Hamilton of Epsom, is a British Conservative Party politician.

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Archie Robin Henry Courage

First Name Archie
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Archie Samuel

First Name Archie
Born on July 26, 1866
Died on January 26, 1875 (aged 8)

Archie Peyton Samuel was the half brother of American outlaws Frank James and Jesse James.

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Archie Bethel

First Name Archie
Born on January 31, 1953 (age 71)

Archibald Anderson Bethel is a British businessman. He is CEO of Babcock International, and a main board director. He is president of the Society of Maritime Industries (SMI), and vice-president and treasurer of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers in Great Britain. He is a lay member of the Court of the University of Strathclyde. Bethel is the former president of Scottish Engineering, and former CEO of the Lanarkshire Development Agency.

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Archie Randolph Ammons

First Name Archie
Born on February 18, 1926
Died on February 25, 2001 (aged 75)

Archie Randolph Ammons was an American poet who won the annual National Book Award for Poetry in 1973 and 1993.

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Archie Michael John Hooper

First Name Archie
Born on January 1, 1992 (age 32)
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Archie James Hamilton

First Name Archie
Born on October 7, 1975 (age 48)
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