List of Famous people named Anneth

Similar names: Anita, Annette, Anette, Annet, Anett, Annett, Aneta, Yanet, Annetta, Anitha. Here are some famous Anneths:

Anneth Delliecia

First Name Anneth
Born on October 18, 2005 (age 19)

Anneth Delliecia Nasution better known as Anneth Delliecia or Anneth, is an Indonesian singer-songwriter. She is known as the first winner of Indonesian Idol Junior season 3, broadcast by the Indonesia television station RCTI in 2018. Her first single "Tetap Untukmu" and her own written single "Mungkin Hari Ini Esok Atau Nanti" which she created at the age of fourteen have successfully captured the attention of Indonesian music fans. The song went viral and topped charts on various types of digital music platforms in Indonesia.

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