List of Famous people with last name Vigors

Nicholas Aylward Vigors

First Name Nicholas
Last Name Vigors
Born on January 1, 1785
Died on October 26, 1840 (aged 55)
Born in Ireland, Leinster

Nicholas Aylward Vigors was an Irish zoologist and politician. He popularized the classification of birds on the basis of the quinarian system.

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Janey Vigors

First Name Janey
Last Name Vigors
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Patrick Mervyn Doyne Vigors

First Name Patrick
Last Name Vigors
Born on January 1, 1948
Died on March 26, 2017 (aged 69)
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Kathleen Vigors

First Name Kathleen
Born on January 1, 1880
Died on October 28, 1973 (aged 93)
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Nicholas Desmond Doyne Vigors

First Name Nicholas
Last Name Vigors
Born on January 1, 1983 (age 41)
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Desmond Doyne Vigors

First Name Desmond
Last Name Vigors
Born on January 1, 1921 (age 103)
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Nicholas Ashmead Cliffe Vigors

First Name Nicholas
Last Name Vigors
Born on May 8, 1947 (age 77)
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Patricia Jan Vigors

First Name Patricia
Last Name Vigors
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Esther Alice Vigors

First Name Esther
Last Name Vigors
Died on July 24, 1970
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Don't know him/her

W/Cdr. Timothy Ashmead Vigors

First Name W/Cdr.
Born on March 22, 1921 (age 103)
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Don't know him/her
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