List of Famous people with last name Trubetskoy

Ivan Trubetskoy

First Name Ivan
Last Name Trubetskoy
Born on July 28, 1667
Died on January 27, 1750 (aged 82)

Ivan Yurievich Trubetskoy was a Russian Field Marshal, promoted in 1728. He was a member of the inner circle of Tsar Peter I of Russia. Made a boyar in 1692, Trubetskoy commanded part of the Russian fleet during the Azov campaigns in 1696. In 1699, he was named governor of Novgorod. Trubetskoy ordered surrender during the Battle of Narva in 1700. He was captured and held prisoner in Sweden until exchanged in 1718. At the moment of death he remain the last living boyar in Russia. Elisabeth made him member of the renewed Senate.

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Sergei Nikolaevich Trubetskoy

First Name Sergei
Last Name Trubetskoy
Born on July 23, 1862
Died on September 29, 1905 (aged 43)

Prince Sergei Nikolaevich Trubetskoy (1862–1905) was a Russian religious philosopher. He was the son of Prince Nikolai Petrovitch Trubetskoy, co-founder of the Moscow Conservatory, and Sophia Alekseievna Lopouchina, who was a big influence on his religious thought. Trubetskoy and his brother, Evgenii Nikolaevitch Troubetzkoy (1863–1920), continued Vladimir Solovyov's work on developing a modern Christian philosophy of the world. He was also a professor of philosophy at Moscow University and a founding member of the underground discussion circle Beseda.

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