List of Famous people who died in 1905

Touch the Clouds

First Name Touch
Last Name Clouds
Born on November 30, 1836
Died on September 5, 1905 (aged 68)

Touch the Clouds was a chief of the Minneconjou Teton Lakota known for his bravery and skill in battle, physical strength and diplomacy in counsel. The youngest son of Lone Horn, he was brother to Spotted Elk, Frog, and Hook Nose. There is evidence suggesting that he was a cousin to Crazy Horse.

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Jules Verne

Jules Gabriel Verne
First Name Jules
Last Name Verne
Born on February 8, 1828
Died on March 24, 1905 (aged 77)

Jules Gabriel Verne was a French novelist, poet, and playwright. His collaboration with the publisher Pierre-Jules Hetzel led to the creation of the Voyages extraordinaires, a series of bestselling adventure novels including Journey to the Center of the Earth (1864), Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (1870), and Around the World in Eighty Days (1872).

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Tippu Tip

First Name Tippu
Born on January 1, 1837
Died on June 13, 1905 (aged 68)
Born in Tanzania

Tippu Tip, or Tippu Tib, real name Hamad bin Muhammad bin Juma bin Rajab el Murjebi, was an Afro-Arab slave trader, ivory trader, explorer, plantation owner and governor. He worked for a succession of the sultans of Zanzibar. Tippu Tip traded in slaves for Zanzibar's clove plantations. As part of the large and lucrative ivory trade, he led many trading expeditions into Central Africa, constructing profitable trading posts deep into the region. He bought the ivory from local suppliers and resold it for a profit at coastal ports.

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Enoch Mankayi Sontonga

First Name Enoch
Last Name Sontonga
Born on January 1, 1873
Died on April 18, 1905 (aged 32)

Enoch Mankayi Sontonga was a South African composer, who is best known for writing the song "Nkosi Sikelel' iAfrika", which, in abbreviated version, has been sung as the first half of the National anthem of South Africa since 1994. Previously, it had been the official anthem of the African National Congress since 1925.It was also adopted by South Africa's newly formed northern neighbor, Zimbabwe and translated into Shona, "Ishe Komborera Afrika" from 1980 until 1994.

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John Hipple Mitchell

First Name John
Last Name Mitchell
Born on June 22, 1835
Died on December 8, 1905 (aged 70)

John Hipple Mitchell, also known as John Mitchell Hipple, John H. Mitchell, or J. H. Mitchell was a controversial American lawyer and politician, who served as a Republican United States Senator from Oregon on three occasions between 1873 and 1905. He also served as State Senate President, did the initial legal work involved in the dispute that led to the landmark Supreme Court case of Pennoyer v. Neff, and later was involved with the Oregon land fraud scandal, for which he was indicted and convicted while a sitting U.S. Senator, one of only twelve sitting U.S. Senators ever indicted, and one of only five ever convicted.

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Charles Brown

First Name Charles
Last Name Brown
Born on June 30, 1827
Died on October 6, 1905 (aged 78)

Charles Brown was a British engineer. He was born in Uxbridge on 30 June 1827 and was apprenticed to Maudslay, Sons and Field.

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Augusta Langham

First Name Augusta
Last Name Langham
Died on July 27, 1905
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William Russell O'Connell

First Name William
Last Name O'Connell
Born on January 1, 1849
Died on December 11, 1905 (aged 56)
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John O'Connell

First Name John
Last Name O'Connell
Born on February 26, 1843
Died on July 4, 1905 (aged 62)
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Hildegardis Maud Leigh Townshend

First Name Hildegardis
Died on January 1, 1905
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