List of Famous people with last name Tripp

Linda Tripp

Linda Rose Carotenuto
First Name Linda
Last Name Tripp
Born on November 24, 1949
Died on April 8, 2020 (aged 70)

Linda Rose Tripp was an American civil servant who played a prominent role in the Clinton–Lewinsky scandal of 1998. Tripp's action in secretly recording Monica Lewinsky's confidential phone calls about her relationship with President Bill Clinton caused a sensation with their links to the earlier Clinton v. Jones lawsuit and with the disclosing of intimate details. Tripp claimed that her motives were purely patriotic, and she was able to avoid a wiretap charge in exchange for handing in the tapes. She then claimed that her firing from the Pentagon at the end of the Clinton administration was vindictive, while the administration called it standard procedure for a political appointee. From 2004, Tripp and her husband, Dieter Rausch, owned and ran a year-round holiday store called The Christmas Sleigh in Middleburg, Virginia.

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Charles Tripp

First Name Charles
Last Name Tripp
Born on July 1, 1826
Died on July 6, 1897 (aged 71)

Charles George Tripp was a pioneering sheep farmer in South Canterbury, New Zealand. Together with his friend and business partner John Acland, he was the first to use the Canterbury high country for sheep farming.

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Sophia Mary Georgiana Tripp

First Name Sophia
Last Name Tripp
Died on July 22, 1885
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Paul Tripp

First Name Paul
Last Name Tripp
Born on February 20, 1911
Died on August 29, 2002 (aged 91)

Paul Tripp was an American children's musician, author, songwriter, and television and film actor. He collaborated with a fellow composer, George Kleinsinger. Tripp was the creator of the 1945 "Tubby the Tuba", a piece of classical music for children that has become his best-known work. He authored several books, including Rabbi Santa Claus and Diary of a Leaf.

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Ella Tripp

First Name Ella
Born on November 7, 1976 (age 47)

Ella Kate Tripp is an English badminton player.

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Franz Josef Tripp

First Name Franz
Last Name Tripp
Died on February 18, 1978 (aged 8)
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Manfred Tripp

First Name Manfred
Last Name Tripp
Born on November 30, 1959 (age 64)
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James Tripp

First Name James
Last Name Tripp
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