List of Famous people with last name Tracy

Spencer Tracy

Spencer Bonaventure Tracy
First Name Spencer
Last Name Tracy
Born on April 5, 1900
Died on June 10, 1967 (aged 67)
Height 175 cm | 5'9

Spencer Bonaventure Tracy was an American actor, known for his natural performing style and versatility. One of the major stars of Hollywood's Golden Age, Tracy won two consecutive Academy Awards for Best Actor from nine nominations.

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Keegan Connor Tracy

First Name Keegan
Last Name Tracy
Born on December 3, 1971 (age 52)
Born in Canada, Ontario
Height 161 cm | 5'3

Keegan Connor Tracy is a Canadian actress and author. She is best known for her roles as Audrey Malone in the Showtime comedy-drama series Beggars and Choosers (1999–2000), the Blue Fairy in the ABC fantasy drama series Once Upon a Time (2011–18), Miss Blaire Watson in the A&E drama series Bates Motel (2013–16), and Professor Lipson in the Syfy fantasy series The Magicians (2016–2020). Tracy's other notable work includes roles on the television series Jake 2.0, The 4400, Stargate SG-1, Supernatural, Psych, and Battlestar Galactica.

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Henrietta Susanna Tracy

First Name Henrietta
Died on June 5, 1839
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Hester Tracy

First Name Hester
Last Name Tracy
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Dorothy Tracy

First Name Dorothy
Last Name Tracy
Died on January 1, 1612
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Sir John Tracy

First Name Sir
Died on September 25, 1591
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Antoine Destutt de Tracy

First Name Antoine
Last Name Tracy
Died on March 9, 1836

Antoine Louis Claude Destutt, comte de Tracy was a French Enlightenment aristocrat and philosopher who coined the term "ideology".

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Victor Destutt de Tracy

First Name Victor
Last Name Tracy
Born on September 9, 1781
Died on March 13, 1864 (aged 82)

Alexandre César Victor Charles Destutt de Tracy was a French soldier and politician, son of the philosopher Antoine Destutt de Tracy. He fought in the Napoleonic Wars and was taken prisoner in Russia in 1812. Destutt de Tracy was an opposition deputy during the subsequent Bourbon and Orleans monarchies. In the French Second Republic he was minister of Navy and Colonies from December 1848 to October 1849. He was strongly opposed to the seizure of power by Napoleon III, and left politics in 1852.

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Robert Tracy, 2nd Viscount Tracy

First Name Robert
Last Name Tracy
Born on January 1, 1593
Died on November 30, 1661 (aged 68)

Sir Robert Tracy, 2nd Viscount Tracy was an English politician who sat in the House of Commons of England variously between 1620 and 1640. He fought for the Royalists in the English Civil War.

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Elizabeth Tracy

First Name Elizabeth
Last Name Tracy
Born on March 19, 1679
Died on May 27, 1747 (aged 68)
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