List of Famous people with last name Tkachuk

Keith Tkachuk

Keith Matthew Tkachuk is an American former professional ice hockey player who played in the National Hockey League (NHL) in a 18-year career with the Winnipeg Jets, Phoenix Coyotes, St. Louis Blues and Atlanta Thrashers, retiring in 2010. His sons Matthew and Brady play for the Calgary Flames and the Ottawa Senators, respectively. He is one of five American-born players to score 500 goals, and is the sixth American player to score 1,000 points. He is considered to be one of the greatest U.S.-born players in NHL history.

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Matthew Tkachuk

Matthew Tkachuk is an American professional ice hockey winger and alternate captain for the Calgary Flames of the National Hockey League (NHL). Tkachuk was selected sixth overall at the 2016 NHL Entry Draft by the Flames.

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Brady Tkachuk

Braeden "Brady" Tkachuk is an American professional ice hockey winger and alternate captain for the Ottawa Senators of the National Hockey League (NHL). Tkachuk was chosen by the Senators as the fourth overall pick in the 2018 NHL Entry Draft. Prior to turning professional, Tkachuk played one season for the Boston University Terriers, earning All-Hockey East Rookie Team honors.

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Denis Tkachuk

First Name Denis
Last Name Tkachuk
Born on July 2, 1989 (age 35)
Height 176 cm | 5'9

Denis Gennadyevich Tkachuk is a Russian professional football player. He plays as a centre forward or left winger for FC Orenburg.

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Yevgeny Tkachuk

Ткачук Евгений Валерьевич
First Name Yevgeny
Born on July 23, 1984 (age 40)
Born in Turkmenistan
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