List of Famous people with last name Thicke

Robin Thicke

First Name Robin
Last Name Thicke
Born on March 10, 1977 (age 47)
Height 187 cm | 6'2

Robin Alan Thicke is an American singer, songwriter, record producer, dancer, musician and actor.

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Alan Thicke

Alan Willis Jeffrey
First Name Alan
Last Name Thicke
Born on March 1, 1947
Died on December 13, 2016 (aged 69)
Born in Canada, Ontario
Height 185 cm | 6'1

Alan Thicke was a Canadian actor, songwriter, and game and talk show host. He was the father of singer Robin Thicke. In 2013, Thicke was inducted into Canada's Walk of Fame. Thicke was known for playing Dr. Jason Seaver on the 1980s sitcom Growing Pains.

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Todd Thicke

First Name Todd
Last Name Thicke
Born in Canada

Todd Thicke is a Canadian television writer and producer most known for his work as the executive producer and head writer of America's Funniest Home Videos since the show’s premiere in 1989.

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Brennan Thicke

First Name Brennan
Last Name Thicke
Born on December 17, 1974 (age 49)
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