List of Famous people with last name Sutaria

Tara Sutaria

First Name Tara
Last Name Sutaria
Born on November 19, 1995 (age 29)
Born in India

Tara Sutaria is an Indian actress. She started her television career as a child artist in 2010 with Disney India's Big Bada Boom and went on to star in the channel's sitcoms The Suite Life of Karan & Kabir (2012) and Oye Jassie (2013). In 2019, Sutaria ventured into films by playing a college student in the teen drama Student of the Year 2, for which she won Zee Cine Award for Best Female Debut and was nominated for the Filmfare Award for Best Female Debut. Also in 2019, she played a mute girl in the action film Marjaavaan.

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