List of Famous people with last name Schleswig-holstein-sonderburg-glucksburg

Philip, Duke of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg

First Name Philip,
Born on March 15, 1584
Died on September 27, 1663 (aged 79)

Philip of Schleswig-Holstein-Glücksburg was the first Duke of Schleswig-Holstein-Glücksburg after the death of his father in 1622. He was the son of John II, Duke of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg and Duchess Elisabeth of Brunswick-Grubenhagen.

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Dorothea of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg

First Name Dorothea
Born on September 28, 1636
Died on August 6, 1689 (aged 52)

Princess Dorothea of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg, was Duchess consort of Brunswick-Lüneburg by marriage to Christian Louis, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg, and Electress of Brandenburg by marriage to Frederick William, Elector of Brandenburg, the "Great Elector".

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Christiana of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg

First Name Christiana
Born on September 22, 1634
Died on May 20, 1701 (aged 66)

Princess Christiana of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg, often referred to as Christiane was the consort of Christian I, Duke of Saxe-Merseburg, who was the ruling Duke of Saxe-Merseburg from 1650 until his death.

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Friedrich, Duke of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg

First Name Friedrich,
Born on October 23, 1814
Died on November 27, 1885 (aged 71)

Friedrich of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg was the third Duke of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg. Friedrich was the second-eldest son of Friedrich Wilhelm, Duke of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg and Princess Louise Caroline of Hesse-Kassel and an elder brother of Christian IX of Denmark. Friedrich inherited the title of Duke of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg upon his childless brother Karl's death on 14 October 1878.

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Princess Ortrud of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg

First Name Princess
Died on February 6, 1980 (aged 10)

Ernst August, Hereditary Prince of Brunswick, Prince of Hanover was head of the House of Hanover from 1953 until his death. From his birth until the German Revolution of 1918–1919 he was the heir apparent to the Duchy of Brunswick, a state of the German Empire.

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Christian, duke of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg

First Name Christian,
Born on June 19, 1627
Died on November 17, 1698 (aged 71)
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Karl, Duke of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg

First Name Karl,
Born on September 30, 1813
Died on October 24, 1878 (aged 65)

Karl of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg was the second Duke of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg. Karl was the eldest son of Friedrich Wilhelm, Duke of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg and Princess Louise Caroline of Hesse-Kassel and an elder brother of Christian IX of Denmark. Karl became Duke of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg upon his father's death on 27 February 1831.

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Princess Helena Adelaide of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg

First Name Princess
Born on June 1, 1888
Died on June 30, 1962 (aged 74)

Princess Helena Adelaide of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg was the third eldest daughter of Friedrich Ferdinand, Duke of Schleswig-Holstein and his wife Princess Karoline Mathilde of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Augustenburg. She was a princess of Denmark through her marriage within the House of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg to Prince Harald of Denmark. Princess Helena was a Nazi sympathiser during World War II and was after the war exiled from Denmark, but eventually allowed to return, where she died.

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Prince Albrecht of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg

First Name Prince
Born on March 15, 1863
Died on April 23, 1948 (aged 85)

Friedrich of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg was the third Duke of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg. Friedrich was the second-eldest son of Friedrich Wilhelm, Duke of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg and Princess Louise Caroline of Hesse-Kassel and an elder brother of Christian IX of Denmark. Friedrich inherited the title of Duke of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg upon his childless brother Karl's death on 14 October 1878.

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Princess Friederike of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg

First Name Princess
Born on October 9, 1811
Died on July 10, 1902 (aged 90)

Princess Friederike of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg was a daughter of Friedrich Wilhelm, Duke of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg and Princess Louise Caroline of Hesse-Kassel and an elder sister of Christian IX of Denmark. Friederike became the Duchess of Anhalt-Bernburg upon her marriage to Alexander Karl, Duke of Anhalt-Bernburg, the last Duke of Anhalt-Bernburg. She served as Regent of the Duchy from 1855 to 1863.

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