List of Famous people with last name Saxe-zeitz

Maurice, Duke of Saxe-Zeitz

First Name Maurice,
Last Name Saxe-Zeitz
Born on March 28, 1619
Died on December 4, 1681 (aged 62)
Born in Germany, Saxony

Maurice of Saxe-Zeitz was a duke of Saxe-Zeitz and member of the House of Wettin.

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Dorothea Maria of Saxe-Weimar, Duchess of Saxe-Zeitz

First Name Dorothea
Born on October 14, 1641
Died on June 11, 1675 (aged 33)
Born in Germany, Thuringia

Dorothea Maria of Saxe-Weimar, was by birth Duchess of Saxe-Weimar from the Ernestine branch of the House of Wettin and by marriage Duchess of Saxe-Zeitz.

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Erdmuthe Dorothea of Saxe-Zeitz

First Name Erdmuthe
Born on November 13, 1661
Died on April 29, 1720 (aged 58)

Erdmuthe Dorothea of Saxe-Zeitz was the wife of Duke Christian II of Saxe-Merseburg, whom she married on 14 October 1679 at Moritzburg Palace in Zeitz.

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Moritz Wilhelm, Duke of Saxe-Zeitz

First Name Moritz
Last Name Saxe-Zeitz
Born on March 12, 1664
Died on November 15, 1718 (aged 54)

Moritz Wilhelm, a member of the Saxon House of Wettin, was the second and last Duke of Saxe-Zeitz from 1681 until his death.

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Christian August of Saxe-Zeitz

First Name Christian
Last Name Saxe-Zeitz
Born on October 9, 1666
Died on August 23, 1725 (aged 58)
Born in Germany, Saxony

Christian August of Saxe-Zeitz, was a German prince of the House of Wettin.

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Dorothea Wilhelmine of Saxe-Zeitz

First Name Dorothea
Born on March 20, 1691
Died on March 17, 1743 (aged 51)

Duchess Dorothea Wilhelmine of Saxe-Zeitz was a duchess of Saxe-Zeitz by birth and by marriage Landgravine of Hesse-Kassel.

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