List of Famous people with last name Saxe

Maurice de Saxe

First Name Maurice
Last Name Saxe
Died on November 20, 1750

Maurice, Count of Saxony was a notable soldier, officer and a famed military commander of the 18th century. The son of Augustus II the Strong, King of Poland and Elector of Saxony, he initially served in the Army of the Holy Roman Empire, then the Imperial Army before finally entering French service. De Saxe became a Marshal and even Marshal General of France. He is best known for his deeds in the War of the Austrian Succession and for his decisive victory at the Battle of Fontenoy especially. He is honoured by the Walhalla Memorial.

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Johann Georg, Chevalier de Saxe

First Name Johann
Last Name Saxe
Born on August 21, 1704
Died on February 25, 1774 (aged 69)
Born in Germany, Saxony

Johann Georg, Chevalier de Saxe, also called Johann Georg of Saxony, was a Saxon Field Marshal and Governor of Dresden.

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Marie-Aurore de Saxe

First Name Marie-Aurore
Born on September 20, 1748
Died on December 26, 1821 (aged 73)

Marie-Aurore de Saxe, known after her first marriage as Countess of Horn and after the second as Madame Dupin de Francueil, was an illegitimate daughter of Marshal Maurice de Saxe and a grandmother of George Sand.

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Bernd Saxe

First Name Bernd
Born on March 30, 1954 (age 70)
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John Godfrey Saxe

First Name John
Last Name Saxe
Born on June 2, 1816
Died on March 31, 1887 (aged 70)

John Godfrey Saxe I was an American poet known for his re-telling of the Indian parable "The Blind Men and the Elephant", which introduced the story to a Western audience. He also said "Laws, like sausages, cease to inspire respect in proportion as we know how they are made."

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