List of Famous people with last name Ruffin

David Ruffin

First Name David
Last Name Ruffin
Born on January 18, 1941
Died on June 1, 1991 (aged 50)

David Eli Ruffin was an American soul singer and musician most famous for his work as one of the lead singers of the Temptations (1964–68) during the group's "Classic Five" period as it was later known. He was the lead voice on such famous songs as "My Girl" and "Ain't Too Proud to Beg."

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François Ruffin

First Name François
Last Name Ruffin
Born on October 18, 1975 (age 49)

François Marcel Joseph Bernard Ruffin is a French journalist, filmmaker, author and politician. The founder and editor-in-chief of the satirical quarterly Fakir, he is best-known for directing the film Merci patron! (2016) as well as for playing an instrumental role in the formation of the Nuit debout movement in France.

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Amber Ruffin

First Name Amber
Born on January 9, 1979 (age 46)

Amber Mildred Ruffin is an American comedian, writer, actress, and television host. She has been a writer for Late Night with Seth Meyers since 2014. When she joined the show, she became the first black woman to write for a late-night network talk show in the United States. She hosts her own late-night talk show The Amber Ruffin Show on Peacock.

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Phil Ruffin

First Name Phil
Born on November 30, 1935 (age 89)
Net Worth $2.1B

Phillip Gene Ruffin is an American businessman. He owns the Treasure Island Hotel and Casino and Circus Circus Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas, in addition to a number of other enterprises including hotels, casinos, greyhound racing tracks, oil production, convenience stores, real estate, and the world's largest manufacturer of hand trucks. He is also a business partner of former United States President Donald Trump, with whom he co-owns the Trump International Hotel Las Vegas. On the Forbes 2019 list of the world's billionaires, he was ranked No. 838 with a net worth of US $3.1 billion.

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Jimmy Ruffin

First Name Jimmy
Died on November 17, 2014 (aged 44)

Jimmy Lee Ruffin was an American soul singer, and elder brother of David Ruffin of the Temptations. He had several hit records between the 1960s and 1980s, the most successful being the Top 10 hits "What Becomes of the Brokenhearted" and "Hold On ".

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Sandra von Ruffin

First Name Sandra
Last Name Ruffin
Born on December 2, 1986 (age 38)
Born in Germany
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Jonah Ruffin

First Name Jonah
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