List of Famous people with last name Rothes

George Leslie, 4th Earl of Rothes

First Name George
Last Name Rothes
Born on January 1, 1484
Died on November 30, 1557 (aged 73)

George Leslie, 4th Earl of Rothes was a Scottish nobleman and diplomat.

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Andrew Leslie, 5th Earl of Rothes

First Name Andrew
Last Name Rothes
Born on January 1, 1530
Died on January 1, 1611 (aged 81)

Andrew Leslie, 5th Earl of Rothes was a Scottish nobleman. He was the son of George Leslie, 4th Earl of Rothes, and his third wife Agnes Somerville, daughter of Sir John Somerville of Cambusnethan and Elizabeth Carmichael. He succeeded his father as 5th Earl in 1558, as his elder half-brothers Norman Leslie and William Leslie had forfeited their rights by having been implicated in the murder of Cardinal Beaton in 1546.

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Mary Elizabeth Leslie, Countess of Rothes

First Name Mary
Last Name Rothes
Born on July 9, 1811
Died on September 19, 1893 (aged 82)
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John Hamilton-Leslie, 9th Earl of Rothes

First Name John
Last Name Rothes
Died on November 30, 1721

John Hamilton-Leslie, 9th Earl of Rothes (1679–1722) was a Scottish nobleman who fought on the side of George I during the Jacobite rising of 1715.

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William Leslie, 3rd Earl of Rothes

First Name William
Last Name Rothes
Died on November 30, 1512

William Leslie, 3rd Earl of Rothes, was the son of Andrew Leslie, Master of Rothes, and Marjory Sinclair, daughter of William Sinclair, 1st Earl of Caithness. He succeeded his elder brother George as Earl in 1513.

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George William Evelyn-Leslie, 13th Earl of Rothes

First Name George
Last Name Rothes
Born on March 28, 1768
Died on January 1, 1817 (aged 48)
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Henrietta Evelyn-Leslie, Countess of Rothes

First Name Henrietta
Born on December 26, 1790
Died on January 30, 1819 (aged 28)
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Noël Leslie, Countess of Rothes

Lucy Noël Martha Dyer-Edwards
First Name Noël
Last Name Rothes
Born on December 25, 1878
Died on September 12, 1956 (aged 77)

Lucy Noël Martha Leslie, Countess of Rothes was a British philanthropist and social leader, a heroine of the Titanic disaster, famous for taking the tiller of her lifeboat and later helping row the craft to the safety of the rescue ship Carpathia. The countess was for many years a popular figure in London society, known for her blonde beauty, bright personality, graceful dancing and the diligence with which she helped organise lavish entertainments patronised by English royalty and members of the nobility. She was long involved in charity work throughout the U.K., most notably assisting the Red Cross with fundraising and as a nurse for the Coulter Hospital in London during World War I. Lady Rothes was also a leading benefactor of the Queen Victoria School and The Chelsea Hospital for Women, known today as Queen Charlotte's and Chelsea Hospital.

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Norman Leslie, 19th Earl of Rothes

First Name Norman
Last Name Rothes
Born on July 13, 1877
Died on March 29, 1927 (aged 49)

Norman Evelyn Leslie, 19th Earl of Rothes was a Scottish soldier and representative peer.

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George Leslie, 1st Earl of Rothes

First Name George
Last Name Rothes
Born on November 30, 1416
Died on January 1, 1490 (aged 73)

George Leslie, 1st Earl of Rothes was a Scottish nobleman and the first to hold the title of "Earl of Rothes", a hereditary title of the ruler of Leslie, Fife and the lands belonging to the Earl of Rothes.

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