List of Famous people with last name Pourtales

Hélène de Pourtalès

First Name Hélène
Born on April 28, 1868
Died on November 2, 1945 (aged 77)

Countess Hélène de Pourtalès, born Helen Barbey, was an American-born sailor who competed in the 1900 Summer Olympics representing Switzerland and became the first woman to win an Olympic gold medal. She was also the first woman to represent Switzerland at the Olympics.

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Jacques-Louis de Pourtalès

First Name Jacques-Louis
Born on August 9, 1722
Died on March 20, 1814 (aged 91)
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Jacques-Robert de Pourtalès

First Name Jacques-Robert
Born on April 19, 1821
Died on September 3, 1874 (aged 53)
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Hermann de Pourtalès

First Name Hermann
Last Name Pourtalès
Born on March 31, 1847
Died on November 28, 1904 (aged 57)

Count Hermann Alexander de Pourtalès was a Swiss sailor who competed in the 1900 Summer Olympics.

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Bernard de Pourtalès

First Name Bernard
Last Name Pourtalès
Born on June 5, 1870
Died on July 5, 1935 (aged 65)

Bernard Alexandre George Edmond de Pourtalès was a Swiss infantry captain and sailor who competed in the 1900 Summer Olympics.

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