List of Famous people with last name Ponti

Edoardo Ponti

First Name Edoardo
Born on January 6, 1973 (age 51)

Edoardo Ponti is an Italian director. He is the son of actress Sophia Loren and producer Carlo Ponti Sr. and the brother of conductor Carlo Ponti.

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Carlo Ponti

First Name Carlo
Last Name Ponti
Born on December 29, 1968 (age 55)

Carlo Ponti Jr. is an Italian orchestral conductor working in the United States. He is the son of late film producer Carlo Ponti Sr. and Italian actress Sophia Loren and the older brother of film director Edoardo Ponti.

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Claude Ponti

Claude Ponticelli
First Name Claude
Last Name Ponti
Born on November 22, 1948 (age 75)
Born in France, Grand Est

Claude Ponticelli, known as Claude Ponti, was born on November 22, 1948, in Lunéville. He is a children's author and illustrator. His books are famous for the fanciful graphic design, but also for the imaginative and poetic stories. Thus, he was and still an iconic and complete artist, with his unique and distinctive universe.

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