List of Famous people with last name Politician

Ron Wright

Ronald Jack Wright
First Name Ron
Last Name Wright
Born on April 8, 1953
Died on February 7, 2021 (aged 67)

Ronald Jack Wright was an American politician from the state of Texas. A Republican, he was the member of the United States House of Representatives from Texas's 6th congressional district. The district is anchored in Arlington and southeastern Fort Worth, and also includes a swath of exurban territory to the south.

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Mary Miller

Mary Meyer
First Name Mary
Last Name Miller
Born on August 27, 1959 (age 64)

Mary E. Miller is an American politician serving as the U.S. Representative from Illinois's 15th congressional district. She is a member of the Republican Party and serves on the House Committee on Agriculture and the House Committee on Education & Labor. Her term began on January 3, 2021. Two days later, she was condemned for citing Adolf Hitler's proficiency at indoctrinating youth as a means to power in a speech where she said, "Hitler was right on one thing: he said whoever has the youth has the future."

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Ignazio Messina

First Name Ignazio
Born on July 24, 1964 (age 60)
Born in Italy, Sicily

Ignazio Messina is an Italian lawyer and politician. He is the current leader of Italy of Values.

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