List of Famous people with last name Pistorius

Oscar Pistorius

First Name Oscar
Last Name Pistorius
Born on November 22, 1986 (age 38)
Height 160 cm | 5'3

Oscar Leonard Carl Pistorius is a South African former professional sprinter who was convicted of murder in 2015. Both of his feet were amputated when he was 11 months old due to a congenital defect. He was born missing the outside of both feet and both fibulae. Pistorius ran in both non-disabled sprint events and in sprint events for below-knee amputees. He was the tenth athlete to compete at both the Paralympic Games and Olympic Games.

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Martin Pistorius

First Name Martin
Last Name Pistorius

Martin Pistorius is a South African-British man who had locked-in syndrome and was unable to move or communicate for 12 years.

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Caren Pistorius

First Name Caren
Last Name Pistorius
Born on January 1, 1990 (age 35)
Born in South Africa
Height 164 cm | 5'5

Caren Pistorius is a South African-born New Zealand actress best known for portraying Rose in the 2015 film Slow West.

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Boris Pistorius

First Name Boris
Last Name Pistorius
Born on March 14, 1960 (age 64)
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Johannes Pistorius

First Name Johannes
Last Name Pistorius
Born on June 16, 1995 (age 29)
Born in Germany, Bavaria

Johannes Maria Pistorius is a German badminton player. Born in Roth, Bavaria, Pistorius started playing badminton at aged 5, trained at the NSP Nürnberg since 2008, and joined the TSV 1906 Freystadt in 2014. He was the bronze medalists at the 2013 European Junior Championships in the boys' doubles and mixed team event. He graduated from Bertolt-Brecht school, and now educated at the Saarland University of Applied Sciences.

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