List of Famous people with last name Perelman

Grigori Perelman

Григорий Яковлевич Перельман
First Name Grigori
Born on June 13, 1966 (age 58)
Born in Russia

Grigori Yakovlevich Perelman is a Russian mathematician who is known for his contributions to the fields of geometric analysis, Riemannian geometry, and geometric topology.

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Ronald Perelman

First Name Ronald
Last Name Perelman
Born on January 1, 1943 (age 81)
Net Worth $3.7B

Ronald Owen Perelman is an American banker, businessman and investor. MacAndrews & Forbes Incorporated, his company, has invested in companies with interests in groceries, cigars, licorice, makeup, cars, photography, television, camping supplies, security, gaming, jewelry, banks, and comic book publishing. Perelman holds significant shares in companies such as Deluxe Entertainment, Revlon, SIGA Technologies RetailMeNot, Merisant, Scantron, Scientific Games Corporation, Valassis, vTv Therapeutics and Harland Clarke. He previously owned a majority of shares in AM General, but in 2020 sold the majority of his shares in AM General along with significant works of art, in light of the impact of the economy on the high debt burdens many of his companies have from leveraged buyouts. In early 2020, Revlon, acquired by Perelman in the 1980s, undertook a debt deal. Previously worth 19.8 billion in 2018, Perelman is, as of September 2020, worth 4.3 billion.

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Vadim Perelman

First Name Vadim
Last Name Perelman
Born on September 8, 1963 (age 61)
Born in Ukraine

Vadim Perelman is a Ukrainian-born Canadian-American film director. Perelman made his feature film directorial debut in 2003 with House of Sand and Fog, following a successful career as a commercial director. The film, nominated for three Academy Awards, also marks his first screenplay credit. Perelman was drawn to the story, having been shaped by his own immigrant experience.

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