List of Famous people with last name Paynter

Annie Maria Paynter

First Name Annie
Died on April 27, 1905
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Frances May Paynter

First Name Frances
Last Name Paynter
Born on March 31, 1884
Died on January 1, 1978 (aged 93)
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Catherine Paynter

First Name Catherine
Last Name Paynter
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Constance Paynter

First Name Constance
Last Name Paynter
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Robert Paynter

First Name Robert
Last Name Paynter
Born on March 12, 1928
Died on October 20, 2010 (aged 82)

Robert William Paynter BSC was an English cinematographer.

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Samuel Paynter

First Name Samuel
Last Name Paynter
Born on August 24, 1768
Died on October 2, 1845 (aged 77)

Samuel Paynter was an American merchant and politician from Drawbridge, in Broadkill Hundred, Sussex County, Delaware. He was a member of the Federalist Party, who served in the Delaware General Assembly and as Governor of Delaware.

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Henry A. Paynter

First Name Henry
Last Name Paynter
Born on November 15, 1951 (age 72)
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William Paynter

First Name William
Last Name Paynter
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Don't know him/her
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