List of Famous people with last name Paget

Muriel Paget

First Name Muriel
Last Name Paget
Born on August 19, 1876
Died on June 16, 1938 (aged 61)

Lady Muriel Evelyn Vernon Paget CBE DStJ was a British philanthropist and humanitarian relief worker, initially based in London, and later in Eastern and Central Europe. She was awarded an OBE in 1918 and promoted to CBE in 1938. She received awards in recognition of her humanitarian work from the governments of Belgium, Czechoslovakia, Estonia, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, and Imperial Russia. In 1916 she was invested as a Dame of Grace of the Order of St John.

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Debra Paget

First Name Debra
Born on August 19, 1933 (age 91)
Height 160 cm | 5'3

Debra Paget is an American actress and entertainer. She is perhaps best known for her performances in Cecil B. DeMille's epic The Ten Commandments (1956) and in Love Me Tender (1956), and for the risque snake dance scene in The Indian Tomb (1959).

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Lord Alfred Paget

First Name Lord
Last Name Paget
Born on June 26, 1816
Died on August 24, 1888 (aged 72)

Lord Alfred Henry Paget was a British soldier, courtier and Liberal politician who sat in the House of Commons between 1837 and 1865.

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Marie-Ève Paget

Marie-Ève Paget is a French basketball player who plays as a point guard.

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Cecil George Paget

First Name Cecil
Last Name Paget
Born on June 19, 1853
Died on April 24, 1929 (aged 75)
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James Paget

First Name James
Last Name Paget
Born on January 11, 1814
Died on December 30, 1899 (aged 85)

Sir James Paget, 1st Baronet FRS HFRSE was an English surgeon and pathologist who is best remembered for naming Paget's disease and who is considered, together with Rudolf Virchow, as one of the founders of scientific medical pathology. His famous works included Lectures on Tumours (1851) and Lectures on Surgical Pathology (1853). There are several medical conditions which were described and later named after Paget:

  • Paget's disease of bone
  • Paget's disease of the nipple
    • Extramammary Paget's disease refers to a group of similar, more rare skin lesions discovered by Radcliffe Crocker in 1889 which affect the male and female genitalia.
  • Paget–Schroetter disease
  • Paget's abscess, an abscess that recurs at the site of a former abscess which had resolved.
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Mary Paget

First Name Mary
Last Name Paget
Born on November 30, 1811
Died on February 20, 1859 (aged 47)
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Lord Victor Paget

First Name Lord
Last Name Paget
Born on May 17, 1889
Died on February 11, 1952 (aged 62)
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Arthur Paget

First Name Arthur
Last Name Paget
Born on March 1, 1851
Died on December 8, 1928 (aged 77)

General Sir Arthur Henry Fitzroy Paget, was a soldier who reached the rank of General and served as Commander-in-Chief, Ireland, where he was partly responsible for the Curragh Incident.

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Sylvia Mary Paget

First Name Sylvia
Last Name Paget
Born on July 10, 1901
Died on October 26, 1996 (aged 95)
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