List of Famous people with last name Oie

Satoshi Ōie

First Name Satoshi
Last Name Ōie
Born on July 17, 1967 (age 57)
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Ayaka Ōie

First Name Ayaka
Born on July 24, 1989 (age 35)
Born in Japan, Tokyo
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Don't know him/her

Natsuki Oie

First Name Natsuki
Last Name Oie
Born on July 13, 1998 (age 26)
Born in Japan

Natsuki Oie is a Japanese badminton player affiliated with NTT East team. She was the bronze medalist in the 2016 World Junior Championships in the girls' singles event. She had won South Australia International event in 2018 and Laos International event in 2019.

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Don't know him/her
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