List of Famous people with last name Newburgh

Sigismondo Nicholo Venanzio Gaetano Francisco Giustiniani-Bandini, 8th Earl of Newburgh

First Name Sigismondo
Born on June 30, 1818
Died on August 3, 1908 (aged 90)
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Charlotte Maria Livingston, Countess of Newburgh

First Name Charlotte
Last Name Newburgh
Born on January 1, 1694
Died on August 4, 1755 (aged 61)
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Maria Cecilia Giustaniani, Countess of Newburgh

First Name Maria
Last Name Newburgh
Born on February 5, 1796
Died on January 8, 1877 (aged 80)
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Charles Giustiniani-Bandini Giustiniani-Bandini, 9th Earl of Newburgh

First Name Charles
Last Name Newburgh
Born on January 1, 1862
Died on January 1, 1941 (aged 79)
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James Livingston, 1st Earl of Newburgh

First Name James
Last Name Newburgh
Born on January 1, 1621
Died on January 1, 1670 (aged 49)

James Livingston, 1st Earl of Newburgh was a Scottish peer who sat in the House of Commons of England from 1661 to 1670. He supported the Royalist cause in the English Civil War.

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James Bartholomew Radclyffe, 4th Earl of Newburgh

First Name James
Last Name Newburgh
Born on August 23, 1725
Died on January 2, 1787 (aged 61)
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Frances Newburgh

First Name Frances
Last Name Newburgh
Born on November 9, 1767
Died on April 30, 1821 (aged 53)
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Charles Livingston, 2nd Earl of Newburgh

First Name Charles
Last Name Newburgh
Born on November 30, 1649
Died on April 6, 1694 (aged 44)
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Brockhill Newburgh

First Name Brockhill
Died on July 8, 1797
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Obadiah Newburgh

First Name Obadiah
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Don't know him/her
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