List of Famous people with last name Navarrete

Ximena Navarrete

First Name Ximena
Born on February 22, 1988 (age 36)
Born in Mexico, Jalisco
Height 174 cm | 5'9

Jimena "Ximena" Navarrete Rosete is a Mexican actress, TV host, model and beauty queen who won Miss Universe 2010. She was previously named as Nuestra Belleza México 2009. she also is the second Miss Universe from Mexico.

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Emanuel Navarrete

First Name Emanuel
Last Name Navarrete
Born on January 17, 1995 (age 30)
Born in Mexico

Emanuel Navarrete Martinez is a Mexican professional boxer. He is a two-weight world champion, having held the WBO featherweight title since October 2020 and the WBO junior featherweight title from 2018 to July 2020. As of October 2020, he is ranked as the world's second best active featherweight by BoxRec and the third best active junior featherweight by the Transnational Boxing Rankings Board.

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Tony Navarrete

First Name Tony
Last Name Navarrete

Otoniel (Tony) Navarrete is an American politician and a Democratic member of the Arizona State Senate representing District 30 since January 14, 2019. He previously served in the Arizona House of Representatives from 2017 to 2019. Navarrete is also a community organizer with Promise Arizona, a pro-immigration advocacy group which helped Latinos register to vote at taco trucks after Marco Gutierrez's "taco trucks on every corner" remark.

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Francisco de Paula Benavides y Navarrete

Francisco de Paula de Benavides y Fernández de Navarrete
First Name Francisco
Last Name Navarrete
Born on May 11, 1810
Died on March 31, 1895 (aged 84)
Born in Spain, Andalusia
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Segundo Navarrete

First Name Segundo
Last Name Navarrete
Born on May 21, 1985 (age 39)

Segundo Mesías Navarrete Navarrete is an Ecuadorian racing cyclist. He rode at the 2014 UCI Road World Championships.

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Javier Navarrete

First Name Javier
Last Name Navarrete
Born on January 1, 1956 (age 69)
Born in Spain, Aragon

Javier Navarrete is a Spanish composer of film scores. His best known score, for which he received an Oscar nomination, was for Pan's Labyrinth.

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Cecilia Navarrete

First Name Cecilia
Last Name Navarrete
Born on December 30, 1923
Died on April 24, 2001 (aged 77)
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