List of Famous people with last name Modrone

Giuseppe Visconti de Modrone

First Name Giuseppe
Born on November 10, 1879
Died on December 16, 1941 (aged 62)
Born in Italy, Lombardy
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Don't know him/her

Guido Visconti di Modrone

First Name Guido
Last Name Modrone
Died on November 15, 1902
Born in Italy, Lombardy
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Don't know him/her

Guido Visconti di Modrone

First Name Guido
Last Name Modrone
Born on December 9, 1901
Died on October 14, 1942 (aged 40)
Born in Italy, Lombardy
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Don't know him/her

Violante Visconti di Modrone

First Name Violante
Last Name Modrone
Born on June 12, 1934
Died on March 25, 2000 (aged 65)
Born in Italy, Lombardy
Know him/her \
Don't know him/her
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