List of Famous people with last name Mcgowan

Rose McGowan

Rósa Arianna McGowan
First Name Rose
Last Name McGowan
Born on September 5, 1973 (age 50)
Born in Italy, Tuscany
Height 160 cm | 5'3

Rósa Arianna McGowan, better known as Rose McGowan, is an American actress and activist. After her film debut in a brief role in the comedy Encino Man (1992), McGowan achieved wider recognition for her performance in Gregg Araki's dark comedy The Doom Generation (1995), receiving an Independent Spirit Award nomination for Best Debut Performance. She had her breakthrough in the horror film Scream (1996) and subsequently headlined the films Going All the Way (1997), Devil in the Flesh (1998) and Jawbreaker (1999).

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Cathy McGowan

First Name Cathy
Last Name McGowan
Born on January 1, 1943 (age 81)

Cathy McGowan is a British broadcaster and journalist, best known as presenter of the rock music television show, Ready Steady Go!

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Mark McGowan

First Name Mark
Last Name McGowan
Born on July 13, 1967 (age 57)

Mark McGowan is an Australian politician and, since 2017, the 30th Premier of Western Australia.

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Mickie McGowan

First Name Mickie
Born on January 2, 1938 (age 86)
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Tom McGowan

First Name Tom
Last Name McGowan
Born on July 26, 1959 (age 65)

Thomas "Tom" McGowan is an American actor. He first become known for his stage career both on and off Broadway. In 1991, he was nominated for the Tony Award for Best Actor in a Play and the Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Actor in a Play for his Broadway debut performance in La Bête. In 2011, McGowan also was also chosen to step into the role of the Wizard on Wicked on Broadway. In 2014, McGowan starred in Harvey Fierstein's original Broadway play, Casa Valentina which was nominated for the Tony Award for Best Play. Since then he has appeared in the Broadway revivals of She Loves Me (2016) and Kiss Me Kate (2019).

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