List of Famous people with last name Malcolm

Janet Malcolm

Jana Wienerová
First Name Janet
Last Name Malcolm
Died on June 17, 2021 (aged 51)
Born in Czech Republic

Janet Clara Malcolm was an American writer, journalist on staff at The New Yorker magazine, and collagist. She was the author of Psychoanalysis: The Impossible Profession (1981), In the Freud Archives (1984), and The Journalist and the Murderer (1990), among other books. She wrote frequently about psychoanalysis as well as the relationship of the journalist to subject and was known for her prose style as well as polarizing criticism of her own profession, though her most contentious work, The Journalist and the Murderer, became a mainstay of journalism-school curricula.

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Robyn Malcolm

First Name Robyn
Born on March 15, 1965 (age 59)
Height 162 cm | 5'4

Robyn Jane Malcolm is a New Zealand actress, who first gained recognition for her role as nurse Ellen Crozier on the New Zealand soap opera Shortland Street.

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Neill Malcolm

First Name Neill
Last Name Malcolm
Born on October 8, 1869
Died on December 21, 1953 (aged 84)

Major-General Sir Neill Malcolm, KCB, DSO was a British Army officer who served as Chief of Staff to Fifth Army in the First World War and later commanded the Troops in the Straits Settlements.

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Ian Malcolm

First Name Ian
Last Name Malcolm
Born on September 3, 1868
Died on December 28, 1944 (aged 76)

Sir Ian Zachary Malcolm, 17th Laird of Poltalloch, KCMG was a Conservative Member of Parliament and Chieftain of the Clan Malcolm/MacCallum.

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General Sir John Malcolm

First Name General
Last Name Malcolm
Born on May 2, 1769
Died on May 31, 1833 (aged 64)
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Neill Malcolm

First Name Neill
Last Name Malcolm
Born on November 5, 1797
Died on October 2, 1857 (aged 59)
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George Harold Malcolm

First Name George
Last Name Malcolm
Born on May 18, 1875 (age 149)
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Sabina Bunbury Malcolm

First Name Sabina
Last Name Malcolm
Born on March 18, 1947 (age 77)
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Kenneth Robert Malcolm

First Name Kenneth
Born on December 17, 1908
Died on October 3, 1984 (aged 75)
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Alexander Malcolm

First Name Alexander
Last Name Malcolm
Born on May 15, 1910
Died on January 1, 1994 (aged 83)
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