List of Famous people with last name Makhlouf

Rami Makhlouf

First Name Rami
Last Name Makhlouf
Born on July 10, 1969 (age 55)

Rami Makhlouf is a Syrian businessman and the maternal cousin of president Bashar al-Assad. He is considered Syria's wealthiest man and one of the most powerful men in Syria; according to Syrian analysts he is part of al-Assad's inner circle and no foreign company can do business in Syria without his consent and partnership. Makhlouf owns Syriatel, the largest mobile phone network in Syria, along with other retail, banking and real estate companies.

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Anisa Makhlouf

First Name Anisa
Last Name Makhlouf
Born on January 1, 1930
Died on February 6, 2016 (aged 86)

Anisa Makhlouf was the Syrian matriarch of the Al-Assad family, which has ruled the country since 1971. The wife of the late President Hafez al-Assad, Makhlouf held the position of First Lady of Syria from 1971 until 2000. Her five children include Bashar al-Assad, the President of Syria since 2000.

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Hafez Makhlouf

First Name Hafez
Last Name Makhlouf
Born on April 2, 1971 (age 53)

Hafez Makhlouf is a Syrian former intelligence officer who was head of the internal branch of the General Security Directorate, Syria's civilian intelligence agency. He was a member of Syrian president Bashar al-Assad's "inner circle" of close supporters.

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Seifeddine Makhlouf

First Name Seifeddine
Born on August 12, 1975 (age 48)

Seifeddine Makhlouf is a Tunisian lawyer and politician.

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Issa Makhlouf

First Name Issa
Last Name Makhlouf
Born on November 30, 1954 (age 69)

Issa Makhlouf is a Lebanese writer and poet who lives in Paris where he is currently the News Director at Radio Orient. He obtained a doctorate in Cultural Anthropology at the Sorbonne and was professor at the University (E.S.I.T.) Paris III. Makhlouf also was a special UN Counsellor of Cultural and Social Affairs in the 61st session of the General Assembly (2006–2007).

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