List of Famous people with last name Maillet

Antonine Maillet

First Name Antonine
Born on May 10, 1929 (age 95)

Antonine Maillet, is an Acadian novelist, playwright, and scholar. She was born in Bouctouche, New Brunswick, Canada.

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Quentin Fillon Maillet

First Name Quentin
Last Name Maillet
Born on August 16, 1992 (age 32)

Quentin Fillon Maillet is a French biathlete. He competed in the 2014/15 world cup season, and represented France at the Biathlon World Championships 2015 in Kontiolahti.

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Nathalie Maillet

Nathalie Jocelyne Maillet
First Name Nathalie
Born on May 11, 1970
Died on August 15, 2021 (aged 51)
Born in France, Grand Est

Nathalie Maillet was a French architect and amateur racing driver.

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Robert Maillet

First Name Robert
Last Name Maillet
Born on October 26, 1969 (age 55)
Height 206 cm | 6'9

Robert Maillet is a Canadian actor and retired professional wrestler. He is known for his time in the World Wrestling Federation (WWF) from 1997 to 1999, where he performed under the ring name Kurrgan and was a member of The Truth Commission and The Oddities. He is also known for his roles in films such as 300 (2007), Sherlock Holmes (2009), Immortals (2011), Pacific Rim (2013), Brick Mansions (2014), Hercules (2014), and Deadpool 2 (2018).

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Géraldine Maillet

First Name Géraldine
Last Name Maillet
Born on February 29, 1972 (age 52)
Born in France, Occitania
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