List of Famous people with last name Madden

John Madden

First Name John
Last Name Madden
Born on April 8, 1949 (age 75)

John Philip Madden is an English director of theatre, film, television, and radio. He is known for directing Shakespeare in Love (1998), which won the Academy Award for Best Picture. He has also gained recognition for directing The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (2012) and its sequel The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (2015).

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Henry Madden

First Name Henry
Last Name Madden
Born on January 1, 1973 (age 51)
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James Antony Grellan Madden

First Name James
Last Name Madden
Born on January 1, 1982 (age 42)
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Edward Christopher Otha Madden

First Name Edward
Last Name Madden
Born on January 1, 1984 (age 40)
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Thomas Mark Ambrose Madden

First Name Thomas
Last Name Madden
Born on January 1, 1988 (age 36)
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